Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday/Monday night

The way to the childrens area at the Fort Smith Library for story time with Robin.

Checking out all the other kids and not liking what he was seeing.

We wandered over to the other area to check out the floor mats. We liked them!

We were in the process of checking out some of these books.

Sitting down for the story and singing.

Watching Ms Robin with her puppet dog

Colin of course was more than ready to participate in the snack time!

Deciding than maybe Robin was OK since she had snacks.

In Robin's office for a personal, private story.

Bumped his head on a table.

Monday night bar-b-que, and beans.

Somewhere in all my photo's there is picture of Michael looking too much like this!

Now that we have Colin calling the HOGS, now he is working on his "down with the horns" sign language. What a smart boy!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Walking on the hot deck---stay on the rug!

Pappa and Colin cruising

kicking the water

The snack chair and table Pappa built Sunday afternoon for the correct snack area.

Strawberry and banana blueberry muffins

Telling Oma to stay away from the boat! :-)

Just water fun!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Box Boy

After being in the car all day, Colin really liked his "fort".
This is the shortest video, the longer one that was really cute would not load.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random June shots

Some of the storm damage from last night. It also blew the grill (heavy!) off the lower deck, but left a small plastic table (very light) on the upper deck next to the pool. Crazy winds!

Pappa has been busy building things for Colin's visit! The above is his "fort/playhouse. It's 3 feet tall and a little ofver 4 feet long with different shaped look out ports and crawl holes. Colin will need to add some painting of his own when he gets up here! :-)
Pappa had lots of heavy duty cardboard to play with and decided to also build Colin his own bed. Note the step at the bottom which also can be used as a "hole" to stuff things under his bed. ( Will be looking for leftover snacks stuffed in here for late night hunger pains. ha!)
A new vine (Thanks to Patty Smith) blooming in the courtyard.