The way to the childrens area at the Fort Smith Library for story time with Robin.

Checking out all the other kids and not liking what he was seeing.

We wandered over to the other area to check out the floor mats. We liked them!

We were in the process of checking out some of these books.

Sitting down for the story and singing.

Watching Ms Robin with her puppet dog

Colin of course was more than ready to participate in the snack time!

Deciding than maybe Robin was OK since she had snacks.

In Robin's office for a personal, private story.

Bumped his head on a table.

Monday night bar-b-que, and beans.

Somewhere in all my photo's there is picture of Michael looking too much like this!

Now that we have Colin calling the HOGS, now he is working on his "down with the horns" sign language. What a smart boy!