Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June Baby Showers

Our nieces are exploding! Jennifer Seal Schneider and Amy Gray Litton are both expecting soon.
The above is from Jennifer's shower on Sunday. Bethany Seal Osborne, Jennifer and Emily Seal, and half of Jennifer's sister-in-law.
Lyn and Jennifer.
Cathy and Amy

Some of the ladies who gave Amy's shower, Cathy's sister Pam (blonde in backrow)
Saturday before last.
Jennifer is having a boy and Amy is having a girl!

Friday, June 18, 2010

June in the Smoky Mountains

Joe on rock. I kept telling him to back up more but he chose to stay in one spot on the slippery rock. I love the beautiful mountain streams we crossed.
On our way back to camp. This spot was just awesome and the sound of the water was so relaxing.
So...YES, the Smoky Mountains look smoky!
Captain Morgan, I mean Joe and I, standing on the river bed just out from one of our campsites.
This is in the Elkmont Camp ground.
After my falling into the very cold river (a quick bath) Joe made a wonderfully warm and cozy fire.
Laurel Falls. About five feet in front of us and about 8 feet down was a black bear. He/she wasn't a baby but not quite full grown. It started following us as we left the area on the trail. It stayed down below us but kept up with us for several yards.
If you look really close you can see the two bright small eyes on the bear.Dead center of the picture just above the rock. The blooming bear grass was abundant in this area. We found out about the bear grass while in Yellowstone on another hiking adventure!
Yep, the Smoky Mountains are smoky.
As we ate our peanut butter granola bars and drank some cokes at the top of Chimney Tops Trail, a very friendly squirrel tried his best to get a sip of cola. He would have eaten out of your hand if given the chance. (Do not Feed the Animals!)
If you look close toward the top of the rocks toward the right hand side you can see Joe and his hat. This was very steep and wet. I chose to stay down a bit and make the picture. :-)
After coming down from part of the Appalachian Trail. VERY steep up and a booger coming down on the knees!
Off our deck on the river at the hotel in Gatlinburg. We spent three nights in a two man tent in remote areas and then one night at this location and then in a King suite in Memphis. Great way to travel!!