Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pedestal Rock and Haw Creek with the Maners

Dennis and Joe on the banks of Haw Creek below the waterfall. This was at the end of the day after climbing on/under and around Pedestal Rock.

The Falls at Haw Creek

Dennis climbing up the rocks in a cave to see if what we were seeing was a nest of some sort. It was not. Appears it was leaves in a cluster that had washed down or blown in or something according to our "field guide" Joe!
Dennis doing his playgirl pose. Joe and Tammy posting up or butt bumping.
Not sure about any of these people! :-)

Joe and Tammy in one of the smaller areas in the back of a cave. I think they were singing folk songs and waving their flash lights.

Would you pick up any of these people if you saw them on the side of a road hitch hiking????

The better looking hikers on this trip.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A GREAT day with Friends

One of the many waterfalls on the trails in Devils Den State Park. Barbara, Tammy and I have hiked all the trails inside and some outside the park. The largest waterfall is really running swift this time of year. We also have to wade across the creek in the upper end of the Racers Hill bike trail loop. ( we really like doing this... mature women playing in the water!)
After doing the bike loop and adding the section with the largest waterfall, past the caves, and across the main bridge, we waded the creek just for fun! Thank goodness our water shoes fit in our backpacks.

Barbara and Tammy on the bridge over the largest waterfall.
Barbara near a small waterfall on the first part of the Racers Hill bike trail.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Seal family

Easter Seal's during lunch! Nathan. Greg and Bob M.

Greg, Bob M (Liam) Jennifer

Seth with one of his eggs.

Norris and Joe after lunch.

Liam with one of the chicks.

Eli, Liam, Seth and Noah. Can't beat a bunch of cute boys.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April Hike--Pedestal Rock/Kings Bluff

The Waterfall at Kings Bluff. We think it's around 45-50 foot. The area above is flat smooth rocks with moss. They have a wooden rail fence close to the edge in places. Joe looking over the falls area.
You may be able to see the rainbow about half way down.

Oneof the pedestals taken from the bottom. We have been to this place several times but never climbed down to check them out from below the bluffs.

This was at the top of the ridge...Big drop off!

This was taken from the top.

Once we climbed down we found several caves. Some were huge with many corridors that went really far back up under the mountain.

I was near the back of one of the caves and saw Joe standing near a portal like opening in in this cave.

Joe was standing up on a ledge above a water area inside a huge cave.We saw lots of firepits in many of the caves.

Some kind of tree blooming. The area had extensive ice storm damage and actually the area was closed for general hiking. We had to climb over a million trees way off the main trail just to get to the buffs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Hike-Devils Den

A very deep area on the SawMill Bike Trail.
Wild violets make there way through the leaves to show their color.

Me, on a rock! duh

Deer watching me watching him/her.

Barbara and I hiked the Sawmill bike trail at Devils Den this morning. It's a great trail with lots of different scenery. You walk along the creek most of the way. The north side of the creek is totally different than the southern side. We had to take boots/socks off and roll up the old pant legs and cross the creek. It WAS COLD! but it was fun to wade. Just after we waded over we hiked up a steep incline and heard lots of tromping up above us on a ridge. It was a herd of deer. They watched us for a while as we watched them. After lunch we came upon some more deer close to the walk in camp sites.They were about 20 yards off the trail, just stood there watching us as we talked and walked and didn't seem too concerned as I made their picture. We were glad they didn't run off.

One of many little flowers poking their heads up for sunshine.

There were thousands of redbuds blooming on the trails

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Saturday Drive

Saturday morning we got up and did the usual chores then headed out in the Camaro. We drove down to Mount Magazine and had lunch at the lodge after checking out the state of the hiking trails. There was not as much ice storm damage as we had anticipated.. GOOD! The dogwoods and redbuds were blooming more on the south side of Mt. Mag than the northern side. I saw several nice waterfalls from the car (someone was driving like a mad man) but by the time I said to stop for a photo, we were past the area and no place to pull over. *sigh*

We drove on down to Lake Ouachita (Little Fir campground) for an afternoon snack of cokes and brownies at the lake. Joe is standing on the bank in an area we hike into. It's an old camping area that has been closed for years. (Even when the boys were little it was closed and we would hike out to it!) Behind Joe is the cut between two islands that we go through to Seal Island..our favorite ski area.

In all the areas we drove in, the dogwoods looked like snow! It was beyond words.
Pictures will not do justice. In some areas when looking down into pine forests with the dogwoods blooming, it looked like each tree had a spot light on it.

God does some awesome work!
People need to get out and enjoy the beauty whenever they can.