Saturday morning we got up and did the usual chores then headed out in the Camaro. We drove down to Mount Magazine and had lunch at the lodge after checking out the state of the hiking trails. There was not as much ice storm damage as we had anticipated.. GOOD! The dogwoods and redbuds were blooming more on the south side of Mt. Mag than the northern side. I saw several nice waterfalls from the car (someone was driving like a mad man) but by the time I said to stop for a photo, we were past the area and no place to pull over. *sigh*

We drove on down to Lake Ouachita (Little Fir campground) for an afternoon snack of cokes and brownies at the lake. Joe is standing on the bank in an area we hike into. It's an old camping area that has been closed for years. (Even when the boys were little it was closed and we would hike out to it!) Behind Joe is the cut between two islands that we go through to Seal Island..our favorite ski area.

In all the areas we drove in, the dogwoods looked like snow! It was beyond words.
Pictures will not do justice. In some areas when looking down into pine forests with the dogwoods blooming, it looked like each tree had a spot light on it.
God does some awesome work!People need to get out and enjoy the beauty whenever they can.