Saturday, April 11, 2009

April Hike--Pedestal Rock/Kings Bluff

The Waterfall at Kings Bluff. We think it's around 45-50 foot. The area above is flat smooth rocks with moss. They have a wooden rail fence close to the edge in places. Joe looking over the falls area.
You may be able to see the rainbow about half way down.

Oneof the pedestals taken from the bottom. We have been to this place several times but never climbed down to check them out from below the bluffs.

This was at the top of the ridge...Big drop off!

This was taken from the top.

Once we climbed down we found several caves. Some were huge with many corridors that went really far back up under the mountain.

I was near the back of one of the caves and saw Joe standing near a portal like opening in in this cave.

Joe was standing up on a ledge above a water area inside a huge cave.We saw lots of firepits in many of the caves.

Some kind of tree blooming. The area had extensive ice storm damage and actually the area was closed for general hiking. We had to climb over a million trees way off the main trail just to get to the buffs.

1 comment:

  1. W.O.W. So beautiful! You are such rebels! LOL! I love the picture of Joe's silhouette! Nice job!
