Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Devils Den with the Girls

Tammy, Barbara and I hiked Devils Den Bike trails again. Here we are getting ready to cross the creek. It was too deep and running too swift last week for us to cross so it was nice to be able to today. We wear water shoes..not Target bags on our feet.
We all really like to get in the water!
Barbara in the water!

A bike trail sign in an unusal place. After all the flooding some of the markers end up way off the trails.
A nice daisy on the trail back
This guy was at least 9 inches long and a pretty yellowy orange color. I have never seen one this big and that color in our area before. Thought he was a snake at first because of his size. The only snake we saw today was a brown mud snake (according to Barbara) with an orange band close to his head. Tammy thought it looked like a necklace.:-)

1 comment:

  1. "We wear water shoes..not Target bags on our feet." LOL! Again, you crack me up! I like the little lizard. He's cute. :)
