After leaving Eureka, we drove the long way home by way of Highways 7 and 23. We have passed Mystic Caverns a million times on our drives and finally I said "STOP" ! We took the tours of the two caves and found them really interesting.
We have seen this type of "life" on Discovery channel before on the bottom of the ocean floor several miles deep. This is the fossilized form of something they had said was extinct! They live only on the bottom of the ocean near the boiling hot water vents . Funny how they are found in Arkansas in a cave!!! These were on the ceiling in one of the caves.
This white stuff is called "snow". It is soft like snow and is found in very few caves across America.
You got some great pics and it looks like you had a fun time! I always thought Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas was some of the prettiest country ever.