Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve and Day

Assorted Pictures from December 23-25th.
Gary & Cathy in their new house.
Joe and Colin before Dirty Santa at Gary's
Michael doing what he does best at home!
Christmas Morning birds.
Greg and Jennifer at Joyce's Christmas Dinner.
Jess and Lyn's Bob after dinner.
Game of wrap the present blindfolded, Jason had the prettiest and Lyn was the fastest!
Some of the lights on the 23rd at Creekmore Park after the train ride.
Handsome Michael and pretty Ashley in line for the train.
My favorite Joes!
Ludy thinking she was going to get to keep the luggage during the Dirty Santa! Who does she think she's kidding!!

The line up 1
Line up 2
Line up 3 Who is that little guy who keeps showing up in all these pictures??

Christmas morning drive way shot.
A Pappa, a boy and a good dog in a recliner, it doesn't get much better than this!
A great gift opener.
Ice cream after train riding and light watching.
I take off!

Musical instruments from Aunt Cathy and Uncle Gary.

What? No chainsaw for the mother-in-law???
It was a great Holiday, but we still missed Jon and Kristen!!!

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